{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/components/slider.js","webpack:///./src/pages/index.js"],"names":["SwiperCore","use","Navigation","Pagination","A11y","Autoplay","Image","props","filename","type","alt","sizes","image","useStaticQuery","data","edges","find","n","node","relativePath","includes","fluid","Slider","className","spaceBetween","slidesPerView","direction","navigation","autoplay","loop","pagination","clickable","styles","slidebody","slidewrap","IndexPage","title","data-side","names","tubeid","posterimagename","style","marginRight","href","svgclass","name","store","id","vbox","viewBox","play","to"],"mappings":"8RAQAA,IAAWC,IAAI,CAACC,IAAYC,IAAYC,IAAMC,MAE9C,IAAMC,EAAQ,SAACC,GAAW,IAEtBC,EAIED,EAJFC,SAFqB,EAMnBD,EAHFE,YAHqB,MAGd,UAHc,EAIrBC,EAEEH,EAFFG,IAJqB,EAMnBH,EADFI,aALqB,MAKb,0GALa,EA8BjBC,EAtBSC,yBAAe,cAsBTC,KAAKC,MAAMC,MAAK,SAACC,GACpC,OAAOA,EAAEC,KAAKC,aAAaC,SAASZ,MAGtC,OAAKI,EAKH,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEF,IAAKA,EACLW,MAAK,iBACAT,EAAMM,KAAKT,GAAMY,MADjB,CAEHV,MAAOA,MARJ,MAiEIW,EAnDA,kBACb,yBAAKC,UAAU,aACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEC,aAAc,EACdC,cAAe,EACfC,UAAW,WACXC,YAAU,EACVC,UAAQ,EACRC,MAAI,EACJC,WAAY,CAAEC,WAAW,IAIzB,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAaR,UAAWS,IAAOC,WAC7B,kBAAC,EAAD,CAAOvB,IAAI,0BAA0BF,SAAS,gBAC9C,yBAAKe,UAAS,QAAUS,IAAOE,WAA/B,4BAIF,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAaX,UAAWS,IAAOC,WAC7B,kBAAC,EAAD,CAAOvB,IAAI,qBAAqBF,SAAS,gBACzC,yBAAKe,UAAS,QAAUS,IAAOE,WAA/B,+BAIF,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAaX,UAAWS,IAAOC,WAC7B,kBAAC,EAAD,CAAOvB,IAAI,uBAAuBF,SAAS,gBAC3C,yBAAKe,UAAS,QAAUS,IAAOE,WAA/B,qBAEF,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAaX,UAAWS,IAAOC,WAC7B,kBAAC,EAAD,CAAOvB,IAAI,2BAA2BF,SAAS,gBAC/C,yBAAKe,UAAS,QAAUS,IAAOE,WAA/B,6BAIF,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAaX,UAAWS,IAAOC,WAC7B,kBAAC,EAAD,CAAOvB,IAAI,8BAA8BF,SAAS,gBAClD,yBAAKe,UAAS,QAAUS,IAAOE,WAA/B,gCAIF,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAaX,UAAWS,IAAOC,WAC7B,kBAAC,EAAD,CAAOvB,IAAI,mBAAmBF,SAAS,gBACvC,yBAAKe,UAAS,QAAUS,IAAOE,WAA/B,iC,4DCqIOC,UAhOG,kBAChB,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAKC,MAAM,SACX,kBAAC,EAAD,MACA,6BAASC,YAAU,QAAQd,UAAU,2BACnC,yBAAKA,UAAU,eACb,+CACkB,0CAElB,wZAQA,2JAIA,mDACA,waASF,yBAAKA,UAAU,cACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEe,MAAO,CACL,cACA,cACA,cACA,cACA,kBAIN,yBAAKf,UAAU,gBACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CAASgB,OAAO,cAAcC,gBAAgB,2BAGlD,6BAASH,YAAU,SAASd,UAAU,kCACpC,yBAAKA,UAAU,eACb,uCACU,kDAEV,wSAOA,0OAMA,+cAUF,yBAAKA,UAAU,cACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEe,MAAO,CACL,YACA,YACA,YACA,YACA,YACA,YACA,gBAIN,yBAAKf,UAAU,gBACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CAASgB,OAAO,cAAcC,gBAAgB,yBAGlD,6BAASH,YAAU,OAAOd,UAAU,2BAClC,yBAAKA,UAAU,eACb,4CACe,uDAEf,+SAQA,+nBAaA,2JAE6D,KAE7D,2BACE,uBAAGkB,MAAO,CAAEC,YAAY,OAAUC,KAAK,KACrC,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEC,SAAS,WACTC,KAAMC,IAAMC,GACZC,KAAMF,IAAMG,WAGhB,uBAAGN,KAAK,KACN,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAWC,SAAS,WAAWC,KAAMK,IAAKH,GAAIC,KAAME,IAAKD,aAI/D,yBAAK1B,UAAU,cACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEe,MAAO,CACL,gBACA,gBACA,gBACA,gBACA,gBACA,gBACA,gBACA,gBACA,gBACA,iBACA,iBACA,iBACA,qBAIN,yBAAKf,UAAU,gBACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEgB,OAAO,cACPC,gBAAgB,kCAItB,6BAASH,YAAU,MAAMd,UAAU,kCACjC,yBAAKA,UAAU,eACb,wCACW,2DAEX,yKAMA,yJAKA,sRAOF,yBAAKA,UAAU,eACf,yBAAKA,UAAU,gBACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CAASgB,OAAO,cAAcC,gBAAgB,yBAGlD,6BAASH,YAAU,MAAMd,UAAU,2BACjC,yBAAKA,UAAU,eACb,sDACyB,+CAEzB,yJAKA,ohBAWA,mGACwE,IACtE,kBAAC,OAAD,CAAM4B,GAAG,aAAT,cAFF,MAKF,yBAAK5B,UAAU,gBACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEgB,OAAO,cACPC,gBAAgB","file":"component---src-pages-index-js-7212a3182e06579484c4.js","sourcesContent":["import React from \"react\";\nimport styles from \"../css/slider.module.scss\";\n// import Swiper core and required components\nimport SwiperCore, { Navigation, Pagination, Autoplay, A11y } from \"swiper\";\nimport { Swiper, SwiperSlide } from \"swiper/react\";\nimport { graphql, useStaticQuery } from \"gatsby\";\nimport Img from \"gatsby-image\";\n// install Swiper components\nSwiperCore.use([Navigation, Pagination, A11y, Autoplay]);\n\nconst Image = (props) => {\n const {\n filename,\n type = \"default\",\n alt,\n sizes = \"(max-width: 400px) 100vw, (max-width: 600px) 100vw,(max-width: 2000px) 100vw, (max-width: 4000px) 100vw\",\n } = props;\n\n const images = useStaticQuery(graphql`\n query Indexslider {\n data: allFile(\n filter: {\n extension: { regex: \"/(jpg)|(png)|(jpeg)/\" }\n relativeDirectory: { eq: \"indexslider\" }\n }\n ) {\n edges {\n node {\n relativePath\n default: childImageSharp {\n fluid(quality: 85) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n `);\n\n const image = images.data.edges.find((n) => {\n return n.node.relativePath.includes(filename);\n });\n\n if (!image) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return (\n \n );\n};\n\nconst Slider = () => (\n
\n console.log(swiper)}\n //onSlideChange={() => console.log(\"slide change\")}\n >\n \n \"Fleet\n
\n Fleet monitoring system\n
\n \n \"Yachting\n
\n Boatgod module and sensors\n
\n \n \"\n
Community driven
\n \n \"Free\n
\n Free charts by community\n
\n \n \"Boatpilot\n
\n Boatpilot chartplotter apps\n
\n \n \"Make\n
\n Smart boat/Connected boat\n
\n \n
\n);\n\nexport default Slider;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { Link } from \"gatsby\";\nimport Layout from \"../components/layout\";\nimport SEO from \"../components/seo\";\nimport Slider from \"../components/slider\";\nimport Minislider from \"../components/minislider\";\nimport store from \"../images/svg/store.svg\";\nimport play from \"../images/svg/play.svg\";\nimport Svgsprite from \"../components/svgsprite\";\nimport Youtube from \"../components/youtube\";\n\nconst IndexPage = () => (\n \n \n \n

\n About boatpilot company\n


\n BoatPilot was founded in 2012, when a group of yachting enthusiasts\n decided that the existing marine navigation solutions did not follow\n the market's demand. Having started with creating an open and\n affordable mobile navigation app, the company has turned into an\n internationally acclaimed navigation provider, integrator and\n navigation hardware manufacturer in just six years.\n


\n BoatPilot makes anything from software, to marine electronics and\n complex charter fleet monitoring and management solutionsr\n


Boatpilot platforms


\n The platforms developed by BoatPilot for collecting and analyzing\n geo-data, which include chartplotter integrated advertising\n possibilities for businesses, don't have analogs anywhere in the\n world. We work closely with the largest yachting community in the\n world to receive the latest information on marine situations, and\n integrate the latest technology solutions into the navigation market.\n

\n \n
\n \n

\n Boatgod hardware module\n


\n BoatGod is the basis of the marine electronics program from BoatPilot.\n Two options of the hardware are released: for private yachtsmen and\n for charter companies. The modules let the user work with all tools\n connected to the NMEA network right from the chartplotter.\n


\n There’s also a possibility to install additional sensors that will\n improve the convenience and safety of operating the vessel. BoatGod\n modules are easy to install and don’t require any special knowledge.\n


\n Especially for charter companies, we’ve created a solution based on\n the Haas/Saas model. In this case, installing the BoatGod module will\n raise the fleet management efficiency and minimize losses by 30%\n through damage prevention and timely diagnosis, additional cooperation\n with the skipper, improved statistical and analytical module, and\n highly efficient system monitoring that ranges from basic equipment to\n the vessel’s engine.\n

\n \n
\n \n

\n Chartplotter powered by boatpilot\n


\n The BoatPilot marine navigation app (chartplotter) is a software\n solution oriented towards the private and charter fleets with yachts\n from 7 to 30 meters long. The chartplotter is based on BoatPilot's\n open platform, which grows and improves with the help of the\n community.\n


\n Active skippers and yachting amateurs contribute by adding thousands\n of new points and corrections to the charts, as such creating the most\n complete and up-to-date marine navigation product on the market.\n Additionally, BoatPilot has free charts of European waterways, and is\n currently working to include the North American territory. Our own\n hardware — BoatGod module — allows us to make significant\n clarifications into charts by receiving depth data from vessel sonars.\n We can definitely say that BoatPilot has the most complete\n geo-database in the world, with the highest speed of depth information\n update.\n


\n Download BoatPilot today and become a part of the largest yachting\n community that is changing the world of marine navigation!{\" \"}\n


\n \n \n \n \n \n \n

\n \n
\n \n

\n B2B HaaS and advertising platform\n


\n BoatPilot supports two B2B directions: a chartplotter integrated\n advertising platform, and charter fleet monitoring and management\n system.\n


\n If you are interested in promoting your business through chartplotter\n advertisement, please download our media brief HERE.\n


\n If you represent a charter company and would like to raise the\n efficiency of your fleet management systems, lower your maintenance\n expenditures and make more money by monitoring your entire fleet using\n the BoatGod module, please follow this link.\n

{/* */}
\n \n

\n Promising developments and research\n


\n BoatPilot is the first company in the world that has introduced a\n navigation solution with augmented reality back in 2017.\n


\n In 2019, we plan to start supplying the commercial version of the AR\n systems we created. The system data that works within the BoatPilot\n ecosystem together with the BoatGod hardware and the chartplotter app\n has proven itself to be a highly efficient skipper companion during\n navigation in difficult weather conditions and complicated waterways,\n especially at night.We believe that a wide use of our AR system will\n lead to minimizing navigation related risks and will raise the safety\n of our waterways.\n


\n If you are interested in learning more about our AR solutions, please{\" \"}\n contact us.\n

\n \n
\n);\n\nexport default IndexPage;\n"],"sourceRoot":""}